Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

10 stolen gomulkas

I was planning to slowly get rid of the photos I've stolen from trainspotting sites in a series of posts with ten photos in each. First out is a bunch of gomulka flicks from 05-07.

maribor walls

A little bit of egotrip and some more by some others. I suppose it's a taste of the next generation of mb writers... Anyway. Photos are from a cold morning last year or early this year. Anybody out there knows if this spot is really legal or if it's just chill to paint there?

Monday, December 1, 2008

rolling in koper

Got these sent to me. Thanks! Locations are all around Koper. If you have some good stuff caught on photos, then send them to slograff [ @]