Sunday, January 20, 2008

Graffiti Maker, Graffiti Creator, My Name In Graffiti Letters, Myspace

Have put some new pages up on the Murder Death Inks site:

Graffiti Maker - Graffiti Creator - My Name In Graffiti Letters

Graffiti Maker


Tags: Graffiti Maker, Graffiti Creator, My Name In Ghetto Graffiti Letters, Myspace Graffiti Generator, Graffiti Gen, Mindgem, My Name In Graffiti Letter, Bubble Letters, Hi5 Graffiti

Manchester Graffiti

Graffiti, the artistic life pumping through the veins of the city.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bird - Street Art

Originally uploaded by !Habit Forming
Love this!

You can just see the weight on the other end of the string. Ingenius street art!


New blog: - have defected (temporarily) to Wordpress! Horror!

Treat me well Blogger and I will come back to you : )

Monday, January 14, 2008

Web 2.0 Graphics - Web 2

What is the definition of Web 2 Graphics?

Composers - Add A Link

Kieran @ i9000networks has put up a quick test for his new "add your link" tags page at http://www.Composers.Net/ - feel free to add your link and help with the testing.

The link appears straight away on the site which is nice, though I suspect it wont be like that long.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Have made various site updates to Stainer1

Have been integrating Flickr feeds for a bit of visual content.

Flickr is both a love and a pain to work with.

Really simple syndication my arse.

Graffiti Art

Graffiti Sketches

Street Art

Graffiti Characters

UK Graffiti

Also made a start on the mini page for Spread The Disease Magazine a new magazine from the US Im going to be distributing.

i9000Networks Manchester Servers @ Reynolds House

Went on a nice trip to see my superfast apache servers at Reynolds House.

Kieran @ i9000networks runs the servers / is my web host
/ domain administrator

Love the colours in this picture. The blue glow and the neon wires look awesome.

Reynolds house is a huge datacentre...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Google Page Rank Update - 10 - 12 January 2008

Another Season, Another Google Page Rank Update!

Checking ones Page Rank with nervousness and hope!

My sites seem to have faired well! has gone from PR n/a to PR2, as has this blog. also jumped to PR2.

Not as big an upwards jump as I got last update, when I got lots of my new sites to PR3.

None of my personal sites took a huge hit, which is sweet.

WoodsAndHillsPlc has stuck, as has Web3Graphics

As expected have spotted a fair few sites that have been penalised again this quarter. Most notably (AGAIN) sites that well selling links in superduper bulk got hit hard. Any more than 200 external links on a couple of pages and you are gonna be raising suspicions! Going over 120 non unique external links is generally not recommended.

Any had any problems? Any successes? Would love to hear from everyone...

Page Rank Tools

The quickest Page Rank tool in terms of sheer speed is of course an inbuilt Firefox addon/plugin like

If you are looking for more comprehensive Page Rank mining (includes fake PR detection and multiple data centre checking) as well as a very well developed GUI - I rate:

Colin @ Web 3 - Graphic Design Manchester

Choosing A Dog Breed

Choosing a dog is an exciting time for the whole family. There are many things to think about when deciding which dog breed would be most suitable for your family.

The gentle nature a golden retriever has can be a perfect dog in a household with children. A toy dog might be the dog to choose for an older couple who enjoy the company of a pet without having to commit to lengthy walks every day.

Every breed of dog has unique and wonderful qualities. Choosing the perfect dog breed to share your home with is one worth doing with time and care. The rewards that the companionship of a dog can bring will be worth it.


Also have a created a Choosing A Dog Breed Blog! Check it out! www.ChoosingADogBreed.Blogspot.Com

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sell My House

Kieran @ i9000 Networks (web development in manchester) should have the form finished in the next 10 minutes, can't wait to get the Sell My House site live!

We are occupying 1 and 2 spots today in Google - and the leads have been flooding in!

One the form is finished I am going to sort out the CSS Styles and Web Design tonight - and hopefully we will still be number 1 tomorrow!

Right now I am working on our Magic Tricks Revealed site - lots of fun : ) Going to be amazing when it is done.

Splash Phone - Mobile Phone Reviews

Yesterday I did some work on

Its going to be a Mobile Phone Reviews website

Have pur up some RSS news feeds using i9000Networks technology.

There is a news feed at all these locations at the moment:

Sony Ericsson Reviews

Apple iPhone News

Apple iPhone Hacked / Unlocked


Hope to have the rest of the feeds up by the end of the week.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Choosing A Dog Breed

Kieran @ i9000Networks helped me create a video feed last on the Right Dog Breed For Me site.

It is located at - Choosing A Dog Breed

Any comments would be appreciated, still tweaking the design.

Still want someone to comment on the header!

Monday, January 7, 2008


You heard them!


Graffiti Alphabets

Doing some more work on my Graffiti Alphabet page.

Check check check it out...

If anyone has any alphabets they want me to put up mail them in.


How To Choose A Dog Breed

Have created some more feeds for

The first is residing at: choosing a dog breed videos

Will uploaded links to the rest tomorrow or tonight probably.

Kieran @ i9000networks manchester again helped with the web development

Thanks Kieran.

Scrapbooking Techniques

Have uploaded something to our scrapbooking website Show And Tell Scrapbooks

Really nice header on this one, quite happy with it.

Is going to be site for scrapbooking tips, scrapbooking techniques, how to do scrapbooking...

New Site - How To Stop Snoring - Help Me Stop Snoring

Going to get a few new sites up today, the first one is a guide to on How To Stop Snoring located at HelpMeStopSnoring.Com The site looks pretty good already - going to try and get it fully operational by the end of the week.


Getting Kieran @ i9000networks (web hosting and web development in manchester) to design a secure form for one of our websites.

Kieran is a great web developer, I would highly reccomend him. To give you an idea of his skill level check this site out for free desktops. Excellent php image aggregator (I think thats what you would call it!)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

How To Choose A Dog Breed

A new site have just put up is Right Dog Breed For Me - A website guiding people How To Choose A Dog

Graphically speaking I really like the header at the top, but it has drawn some criticism... any comments?

Graphic Design In Manchester

I am going to compile a list of Graphic Design Agencies and Individual Graphic Designers / Illustrators / Web Designers in Manchester.

If you are a graphic designer can you email your name, two sentence bio and any weblinks.


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Graffiti Alphabet

Have added some new pages to Stainer1

Stainer1 - Graffiti Alphabet

Stainer1 - Graffiti Sketches

Stainer1 - Graffiti Ink Recipes

The Ink Recipes section should be sweet. Going to post up all the ingredients for sick homemade ink and post up all the recipes I ve tested that work.

New Sites On The Block

New sites on the block are:

Wikia Search


Wikipedia are developing a human edited search engine called Wikia Search

Very interesting!

You can view a secret preview of the Search Engine by clicking here:

Dont be too critical yet. It will take a while for them to get it right. From a design perspective - I like their use of fade in ajax when you click to add new results.

I would definitely contribute to it, but I think computer is best : )