Sunday, July 29, 2007

along the the tracks in Ljubljana

So, maybe I don't post here as often as I should, but what are you gonna do about it? More old flicks from the Slograff flog. This time it's a complete wall along the westbound train tracks out of Ljubljana.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

same retired Gomulka

This is a bunch of photos that I stole from train fan sites. They are all of the same Gomulka as the photos of the first post.

The front piece below was out of view when I was taking photos of this train in KP.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

real burner (egotrip)

retired gomulka

So. The first post is a collection of photos that I took last summer. The last two photos is of the opposite side of the train. Soon I'll post up some photos of this train that I found on the web.